Tag Archive: Brian May

In the letters page of today’s Dorset Echo (22nd May 2013), one wonders if the anonymous writer is (or is a friend of) ‘Nick’ who commented on a previous pro-cull article on here: https://leeconnorblog.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/reply-from-the-pro-badger-cull-lobby/

Yet again, no real points are made…


In reply to the two letters which you have printed in defence of badgers, may I reply.

Since the unwise legislation a few years ago which made these animals a protected species, there has been a vast increase in their numbers, they have probably trebled. After all badgers have no natural enemies.

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There seems to be movement away from the issue of Bovine TB (which I thought was the reason for the cull) to a need to control rising badger numbers.

An interesting theme from the pro-cull lobby is the reference to the badger being an apex predator with nothing to control its numbers. Do these people making these claims drive around with their eyes shut?

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Further to my attempts to strengthen the anti-cull campaign, I’ve uploaded some pictures taken last year of the local family of badgers that pay visits to my back garden.

The family arrive for supper

The family arrive for supper

This family of badgers live in a sett a few streets away and often visited the garden to dig up earthworms – their favourite food. After some time, I started leaving out food for them and eventually the visitors increased after the arrival of two cubs.

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