Tag Archive: Environment

Masking a problem?

In my Nature Notes column for Torbay Weekly (14th January 2021) I look at the environmental issues relating to the purchasing, wearing and disposing of single-use PPE.

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I thought it would be worthwhile expanding on the discussion relating to controlling apex predators, as brought up in the comments of this previous blog post about the badger cull: https://leeconnorblog.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/reply-from-the-pro-badger-cull-lobby/

I’ve heard the same argument for ‘controlling predators’ justified by now linking ‘increased badger numbers to a fall in songbirds/bees/hedgehogs numbers’ which I feel is ridiculous. As one can see from my photos, I have badgers in my garden and it is also filled with songbirds, bees and hedgehogs. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that we also have hedges, stands of mixed woodland and pasture around us – for now, that is, as developers are keenly eyeing it up while being urged on by our government.

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In the 1980s my Father’s fortunes improved somewhat and we made the move from our crowded ‘two up two down’ terrace house in Edmonton out to the leafy suburbs of Enfield, North London.

I can well remember that first night in our new home being awoken by a strange grunting, squealing noise that rose up from the front garden. The noise was like no other I’d ever heard before and sent me rushing into my parent’s room to warn them of a possible intruder.

My father listened behind the curtain to the strange sound and then peered out and down. Initially he thought there was a courting couple ‘making out’ on our neatly trimmed lawn but the night was far too dark to make out exactly who was making the unearthly noise below so he grabbed a torch and with some trepidation I followed him down the stairs and outside. Quietly he unbolted the door and then, quick as a flash, he snapped on the torch. The pool of light didn’t illuminate a young couple’s illicit tryst (I’m sure much to Dad’s disappointment) but it did, however, reveal the source of the sexual sounding cacophony – an amorous pair of hedgehogs!

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From the letters page of the Bournemouth Echo (4th July 2012)


In answer to Mr Cole’s accusations of West Parley residents’ NIMBYism (Letters, June 28), I think they are displaying quite the reverse.

These people share a much wider view, a view that stretches far beyond their backyards – they are making a stand for this county and this country at large.

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